Archive for August, 2020

Hypriot 1.12.3 and static ip

Posted in Docker, HypriotOS on August 30, 2020 by asteriondaedalus

The solution for static IP on HypriotOS 1.12.3 is:

  • flash hypriot 1.12.3 image
  • boot
  • login
  • create file /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-disable-network-config.cfg
  • modify file /etc/network/interfaces.d/50-cloud-init.cfg
  • reboot

99-disable-network-config.cfg should contain only:

network: {config: disabled}

50-cloud-init.cfg should be modified for static IP. Below is my setup (substitute your own address, netmask, gateway and dns-nameservers):

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

Note, most suggestions for static IP fixes are because, as of some version before 1.12.3, the use of flash -u static.yml don’t work no more no more it don’t work no more. So, examples are stale. It seems there has been a change in cloud-init that breaks this process. There is otherwise no fix currently other than the above.

Speaking about RTFM

Posted in Rant on August 22, 2020 by asteriondaedalus

I discovered that my RPi running Hypriot was not running the docker daemon no more no more 😦

I noticed also I could not jump onto the RPi from my PC running VSCODE with its remote development tools no more no more 😦

I could ssh onto the RPi but could not run apt or apt-get even to remove packages 😦

Disk was reporting 100% full, or at least it appeared root was 😦

Averse to reading poorly constructed help files I did miss or ignore the suggestion that you needed at least 16G SD, I had only used an 8G. Still, if the problem in in the root partition it is only ever given 64M by the setup.

In any event, I have now re-built the RPi with a 32G SD.

But, having read the manual to set up Hypriot (again) using the cloud set up. I find my RPi is not sitting on the static IP I set for it. Indeed, multiple people seem to be having problems setting up Hypriot for static IP, using the default approach. This seems also to be a problem across multiple drops of Hypriot as the versions people are reporting span quite a few.

I am having the problem with 1.12.3 which is the latest version.

Managed to solve the problem!

Boo hoo hoo Google

Posted in Rant on August 20, 2020 by asteriondaedalus

The way Aussies search every day on Google is NOT at risk from new Government regulation. Australian’s ARE at risk of Google further abusing its monopolistic power in an immoral and or unethical manner.

You should boo anyone who you know works at Google.

Ooo arrrgh, that’s forward … RTFM

Posted in Embedded, Linux, Open Source can be professional, Rant on August 18, 2020 by asteriondaedalus

Go figure, for some dang reason I could not get a VNC connection no more no more with my 64 bit Debian machine.

I tried ripping out vnc servers and re-installing. I changed vnc server. Nothing seemed to help.

In a vague moment, as I had recently added jupyter to my 64 bit Debian machine, I fired up a lab via MobaXterm running on my Windoze 10 laptop.

What the … !

A Chrome window opened up on my Windoze machine! A little perplexed I bothered to scan the MobaXterm manuals.

Perfect! X11 forwarding (I did not know that I got that with MobaXterm 🙂 ).

So I took a punt and installed vscode on my 64 bit Debian box and voila! I can use vscode on my Debian box and MobaXterm presents the vscode editor on my Windoze laptop.

It’s amazing what you find if you read the manual 😉 .

I was also having a problem with my Raspingdoodleburry Pi. The RPi started baulking about “running out of space”, which was bullshit.

However, the RPi wouldn’t start the docker daemon under Hypriot and I could no longer connect using VSCode running on my Windoze laptop (since that seems to want to write to the embedded system).

A little shitty since the Raspingdoodleburry Pi was running Hypriot atop which was running node-red, emqx, home-assistant, deCONZ and I was about to run Redis. So, once I had problems with “no space” on the RPi, I was faced with having to sort that and needed to get my config off – as I was likely to have to re-burn the SD card.

I managed to use scp to get the relevant files off the RPi onto the 64 bit linux box, but then found MobaXterm also opens a Sftp dialog that allows you to navigate the embedded host and move files to and from the target. DOH!

I spent a little more time RTFM after that. I do have to recommend MobaXterm!

A rose by any other name

Posted in Satire on August 9, 2020 by asteriondaedalus

NASA has opted to move away from offensive (so-called) nick names. The nick name Black Holes is both offensive in the racist sense and alternatively sexist since the inference is female genitalia if not homophobic, given Uranus is also often suggestive of a dark taboo.

Hence Black Holes are now referred to as “Chromatically challenged highly approachable high energy quantum rich aggregations of deconstructed atomic particles“! (The term “prodigiously matter eating” was not entertained to avoid accusations of “fat shaming”.)

The nick name White Dwarfs is also problematic, both from the racist angle and also since that term is reminiscent of the policy of Apart Height practised by South Africa up until the 1980s. NASA might therefore need help in the renaming of White Dwarfs. Please send your suggestions to the main NASA website.