Archive for March, 2014

Cyclone II-Exp.5

Posted in Cyclone II Experiments on March 31, 2014 by asteriondaedalus

Straight forward. No crashing tonight.  Glass of stale cab sav – I wonder if that’s what makes the difference??

module KEY_AND_LED ( A, B, F );

input A,B; output F; assign F = A & B;


Nothing exciting here, no buttons then no lit LED, any or all buttons then LED lights.

So I bumped the inputs and played around with views.

module KEY_AND_LED ( A, B,C, F );

input A,B,C; output F; assign F = A & B & C;


Becomes, in the RTL view:

RTL view

RTL view

As you might expect, it thence becomes in the technology map view:

Raw technology map view

Raw technology map view

More interesting is:


Double click and hover over technology map view

And finally, voila! it becomes:

The raw gate from the chip planner view

The raw gate from the chip planner view

Of course, you can chase down the input/output pins as well:

PIN_40 or input C

PIN_40 or input C

The output pin

The output pin

To close the loop:

The "assignment"

The “assignment”

Cyclone II-Exp.4

Posted in Cyclone II Experiments on March 30, 2014 by asteriondaedalus


Code was simple enough:

module KEY_OR_LED ( A, B, F );

input A, B;
output F;
assign F = A||B;


But the pin assignments in the default example project didn’t make sense, they were set to:




I went with it, just in case I was missing something, but compiled, bombed and no LED lit.

Changed to:







But held my breath and restarted and got a circuit that worked counter intuitively until I dusted off me logical thinking.  No LED lit if either of the buttons weren’t pressed.

No LED lit if one of the buttons pressed and … finally … LED lit when both buttons pressed.

Basically both inputs are held high by a 4.7K ohm resistor and you need to drive both low to drive the LED low because of the OR function (either input high then high at output then LED sees same voltage at each of it’s pins – 3.3V).

All good.

Cyclone II-Exp.3

Posted in Cyclone II Experiments on March 30, 2014 by asteriondaedalus


quartus error


Now I am actually known for finding bugs in things.  I even got a contract letter from L3 to the company I was working for in Canada that requested I be taken off testing BECAUSE I was holding up the project BECAUSE I was finding bugs – I was so proud, regretted keeping a copy of the letter for my CV LOL.

So, how did I get this error.  Well, straight forward really. I took the next example, which was the Verilog rather than schematic example of the switch plus the LED and modified it.  It worked alright unmodified but I wanted to extend it to use an array of switches inputs.

Unmodified it started out as:

module KEY1_NOT_LED ( A, F );

input A ;
output F;
assign F =~A;


Now it turned out setting up the array wasn’t that straight forward.

I just did something as kooky as the following:

module KEY1_NOT_LED ( A, F );

input [3:0] A ;
output [3:0] F;
assign F[0] =~A[0];
assign F[1] =~A[1];
assign F[2] =~A[2];
assign F[3] =~A[3];


Now this didn’t work, of course, when I went to assign the pins to ports as the pin assignment would want to assign them as an IObank it would appear.  No problem.  I decided to compile anyway – expecting I would have to go for another approach anyway and voila! the crash bang boom!

Now restarting the Quartus tool and no crash.  Compiles and I can bomb chip.  A single LED lights but we know that isn’t right.  This points to a quirk in the project that sees the pin assign balk when trying to assign pin 43 – the software feels this is already assigned??  This seems to suggest database in some kooky state.  Why you ask?  Well pin 43 was assigned as input in the unadulterated code prior to the mod and the crash.  All good, read on.

Of course, the resultant code that I should have written in first place included creating a module that would be instanced:

module KEY2LED (input K, output L);

assign L =~K;


 And then simply calling it four times:

module KEY1_NOT_LED ( input K1,K2,K3,K4, output L1, L2, L3, L4 );

KEY2LED (K1,L1);
KEY2LED (K2,L2);
KEY2LED (K3,L3);
KEY2LED (K4,L4);


Assigning keys and LEDS:


So, upshot voila! it recompile, seemed to clear up database and:


Look closely, only 3 LED glowing ... no really ... look harder

Look closely, only 3 LED glowing … no really … look harder

Cyclone II-Exp.2

Posted in Cyclone II Experiments on March 29, 2014 by asteriondaedalus

No red wine this time.  Some stout instead.

So experiment 2 – adding a switch to turn the led on and off.  Gripping stuff!

So, the board comes with switches connected to inputs on the FPGA so just jumping in and going for it.

Altera Cyclone II

In fact:


So closed Exp.1 file and opened Exp.2.

Something new.  Compiling the file is fine.  When I open the “Programming” window for the first time it balks with “Cannot add target device EPCS4 when in current programming mode” – something to chase down sometime but lets push on.

When using the “Auto Detect” function in the “Programmer” window it adds an EP2C5 device to the chain – which I suspect is sitting in the USB Blaster.

Once the x.sof file for the project is added, the target device is chained with the EP2C5.  The EP2C5 selected in the window and can be deleted from the chain.

Once programmed the LED on PIN_65 is lit and it is unlit when you press the switch on PIN_43.

Changing it up

So, simple enough change is to tie four LED to four switches.


… first up, what is not intuitive is that when you are in Pin Assignment tool, you can manually set direction.  This wasn’t a problem in the end once you go and compile but when you first make the assignment it won’t allow you to set it.  Turns out, if you are using the schematic it was set when you created an input pin type.  The problem, it doesn’t get reflected into the pin assignment when you make it initially.

However, the steps outlined in the training material seem to reflect this anyway – you need to compile so the Pin Assignment tool picks up the pin directions.

Second problem.  For what ever reason simply adding 3 extra circuits seems to simply light up all LEDS on board, including 7-segment displays … and buzzer … hmm.

Started new project with only only switch and one LED – mirroring the one in the example library that comes with the board, still the same thing.

Next morning, after a long bike ride and a brunch …

Usual Microsoft-like problem.  I deleted the project, unzipped it again from the archive, got one LED responding to each of the 4 keys in turn (reassigned and recompiled each single connection).  So there wasn’t a problem with the switches.

Added a second circuit to the schematic of the refreshed project and voila! it is okay this second time around.  No obvious reason for not working the first few times.

Thus, all four switches finally included.



On our way again.


Now I thought I would add a glyph and, of course, I opened the project again to screen capture the schematic.  Go figure, only two circuits were in the schematic (the picture below has been corrected).

When I looked at the pin assignment all the pins were there, the components for the second two circuits were “missing” from the schematic.  I compiled the schematic and voila! software crashed and bailed out to operating system.  I had to go back in and re-add the components damn it!

Any old way, not that exiting but why does it have to be so niggly.  Seems the Quartus software is quite buggy at version 10.1.  Can’t, upgrade as I need 10.1 for the chips I have in my development boards.

Won’t be a problem once I have gone through the pain of learning FPGA design as I will move to updated chips.  Better not be.  I still have my Xilinx boards to tackle once the Altera exercises are done, so we’ll see if there is a different in the quality of the software tools then


Just block copy right ... well ... er ... things do come amiss

Just block copy right … well … er … things do come amiss

Cyclone II-Exp.1 – followup

Posted in Cyclone II Experiments on March 29, 2014 by asteriondaedalus

Coming back to the board I half expected when it started that it would simply light up the LED from the previous experiment.

However, it jumped back up into counting up seconds on the 7-Segment displays.

!a light bulb moment!

In fact, I now recall from the training is that the FPGA can be booted from from EEPROM and, voila! looking a the schematic there is an AT24C04 on the board.

But wait, there is more!  Serial configuration via EPCS4.  So, a little more to the board than the manual alludes.  So, the FPGA will always boot up to counting up seconds as the CMOS SRAM elements of the FPGA will be needing instruction.  Subsequent programming via JTAG by the USB Blaster will obviously clear that sucker out with the new code.

The purpose of the EEPROM needs some investigation but I suspect it might be programmable and itself to provide a cold boot other than the counting up in seconds.

In any event, fiddling with the pin layout to light different LED is straight forward – but requires re-compile each time.


Cyclone II-Exp.1

Posted in Cyclone II Experiments on March 26, 2014 by asteriondaedalus

Little Baby Steps


So, not much to report.  Re-reading final Master’s coursework assignment (four years of UGHHHHH!) and so dusted off the FPGA training board to bomb something onto it to buzz it out.

Went for the “Hello World” of FPGA and chose a Verilog example for lighting an LED.

Mostly an exercise to get used to the Quartus II software; set up USB Blaster drivers, work out which of two sockets the JTAG cable goes into; final steps setting up programming from Quartus etc.

Nice glass of CabSav with the red glow of the LED also helpful.



Posted in Development on March 23, 2014 by asteriondaedalus

So, last assignment for Master’s done save for re-reading and touching up references.  Two weeks ahead of when it has to be handed in so plenty of study time before exam.

In the meantime, some dusting off of projects in order I think.

So many, so which ones?

Might just dabble a bit with PROFETA.

I am going for a Samsung Galaxy S4 for my phone account upgrade so I can through the S2 back into the place I wanted it for – robotics experiments workhorse.

I might also get back into the FPGA bits and pieces as a couple of other toys have long turned up and waiting play:

Of course I also ordered the LOGIBONE with camera for FPGA vision experiments.  It hasn’t turned up yet since the chore of Kickstarter is getting in too early isn’t it.

Still I still have the other hack boards and now course is over with, and Telstra is sorted (so far) I can get back to the Altera video training etc.

New Security Measures by Outlook but …

Posted in Sucky service Providers on March 1, 2014 by asteriondaedalus

… what about the Use Cases?

So, I go to log into Outlook (formally Hotmail) and get a “You can’t get in until you go through a new security setup”.

Not something I wanted to do in a rush to get of Uni emails.

There was a vague warning about your account being locked for 30 days as part of the process.

Just that, locked out for 30 days.  Ominous yes?  I am checking URL at this stage to see if my account is being hacked and this is a phish.

Then it requires you to use email backup email addresses attached to your account for verification.

Go figure both email backups on my account were and subject to the same lock out yes.

Now one of those emails accounts had actually expired as I hadn’t used it for yonks AND it was also the first in the drop down list SO sort of kinda became the default backup email address.

Anyway, option to use something other than the attached backup email address so I type in a gmail account and it sends me a 4 digit code.

So, still a little confused about the claimed 30 day lockout I go back in to use the 4 digit code.  It balks of course with a request for a 7 digit code?!

Thinking now they are really locking you out for 30 days as part of the security check.  Nah, they wouldn’t would they?

So, because mainly I spent my formative career in software maintenance thence onto CSCI and system testing and integration my bug/unfortunate_feature decoding gland kicks in.

Going back to the stage the security check is at there are those pesky backup emails with asterisk masking out some of the address name.  Where I was entering the four digit code, and getting the error response, was actually an email address verification field so it turned out that you had to select one of the alternate email addresses in the drop down and type out that email address as a verification (and not the 4 digit code you got).

This sent a 7 digit code to the email address you selected.

Go figure, I selected the first one in the drop down, the expired one.  The system happily told me it “sent” the email even though errors in existance of email addresses are detectable – and go figure it was a hotmail address so either they didn’t check the livedness of the email address or they aren’t really deleting accounts yadda.

Anyway, small amount of angst now arising because I realized if it thinks it sent my details to the non existent account then if I tried using the second account account, to get a second email sent (to a potentially locked hotmail account) will it have already lock me out by going to the next security step.

Phew! It actually let me resend to the second email address and I got a code.  Now think about this, it has locked one of my hotmail accounts and not the other???  Good for me but WTFO.

All good yes. But what if the second email address had also expired? Why wouldn’t you let me do the transaction via the option I used in the first step (to use the email alternate email address that wasn’t attached to the account as a backup).

The greatest fear was having to ring Microsoft to sort it out, or worse use there help website.  You’ve seen their help site right?  You need to do a 12 week community based course to get a handle on that sucker – which is no help at all.

Belief Desire Intention 2

Posted in Python RULES! on March 1, 2014 by asteriondaedalus

Go figure, by accident I came across a Python Library for BDI and even better it was based on AgentSpeak.


Only a few examples and a slide pack explaining (and a paper) it but the Agent Orientedness is there so plenty to read across to.

I found this while dawdling getting ready for my study so I will report more as I play with this.   First experiments will likely be installing and running basic examples on both the Beaglebone Black and the S4A Python implementations on Android (on my Samsung Galaxy SII and my Android Tablet).

After I dabble there then the likely course will be integrating it into Spade2 as the BDI approach for the distributed Spade2 agents … some old how.  Now a shorter path to integrating Agentspeak BDI into spade2 that when we began the journey.